1. One group of conditions
Conditions concern the subscriber:
- Subscriber’s informations
- Custom field or segment
- Actions update langs set en=ex : opening, click…)
For each type of condition, you can make a "sentence" to filter contacts.
Click on the button.
AND / OR Conditions
Example 1 : AND
In this example, there is 2 conditions you can write like this:
- The contact email content @idnova.fr
- this contact Do not open the newsletter test
In this case, the selected contacts correspond with all the conditions: content @idnova.fr + do not open the newsletter test.
Example 2 : OR
For example:
- The email address content @idnova.fr
- OR
- The contact Do not open the newsletter test
The selected contacts correspond with one of the conditions : either the email address content@idnova.fr, or it do not open the newsletter test
In the segment, there will be contacts which email address content @idnova.fr and contacts which do not open the newsletter test.
2. Two groups of conditions or more
In the 1st part, the conditions examples were for one group of conditions in a segment.
Now, in the same segment, it’s possible to create many groups of conditions.
Each group are related together with two sort of conditions. So, you can filter:
- The selected contacts correspond with all the conditions groups update langs set en=AND)
- The selected contacts correspond with one of the conditions group update langs set en=OR)
Click on the button to add a condition.